Ein Paar wunderschöne Doublet-Ohrringe aus Queensland-Boulder-Opal, gefertigt aus echtem 14-karätigem Weißgold.
Diese Ohrringe bestehen aus ovalen, hochwertigen australischen Boulder-Opal-Doublets, die vollständig aus natürlichen Materialien hergestellt sind.
Opale weisen eine leuchtende blaue und grüne Färbung auf.
Stil - Klassisch
Fassung - Zargenfassung 14k Weißgold (585)
Steine - Queensland Boulder Opal Doublets. 5,8 x 3,9 mm
Gesamtgewicht: 1,11 g (beide Ohrringe)
Extras – Kostenloser internationaler Luftpost-/Versand gilt automatisch beim Kauf dieses Artikels und/oder in Kombination mit einem anderen Kauf.
Unsere Boulder-Opal-Dubletten kosten nur einen Bruchteil des Preises eines massiven Opals. Sie bestehen vollständig aus natürlichem Opalmaterial, dem ursprünglichen Boulder-Eisenstein auf der Rückseite und einer natürlichen Opaloberfläche. Sie können problemlos nass werden und sind sicher eingefasst, sodass der Stein nicht herausfällt.
Unsere Währung, unsere Garantie
Wir sind australische Opalbergleute und verkaufen australische Produkte in australischen Dollar.
Wir ändern unsere Preise nicht basierend auf Ihrer Währung, wodurch Sie 15–50 % unserer bereits geltenden Miner-Preise sparen!
I purchased 2 large and 2 small Yawah nuts from them. I haven't split them yet. The larges are a good size, the smalls are a bit smaller than I expected but that is only my opinion and doesn't mean they weren't worth the money. The ordering was easy, and the product arrived pretty quick considering they had some serious storm damage.
I thought the nuts will be about 2 cm long, but they are bigger (ca. 5 cm). I have cut one this weekend. Well, there was no opal inside, but a beautiful ironstone pattern.
The shipping was also very easy and quick. Customs are paid beforehand. I really appreciate buying at opal whisperers. Best shop with great customer service. Soo thankful 🙏🏻
I have purchased these as an anniversary present and can't wait for the 10/4. I think Tony will be very happy.
If you like surprises, you should buy a mystery dip. I was surprised with a beautiful drilled opal.
Some really nice possible little gems in the parcel that I’m looking forward to polishing
I am very happy with my entire experience with my order. The product is fantastic and the shipping was a lot faster than I expected.
Thank you so much
Unique piece with lots of little, coloured opal stones inside the Pendant. lovely!
29cts - 5x Lightning Ridge Crystal, Dark and Black Opal Rough
I received my package in a timely manner, with the stone exactly as described.
15.4cts - Queensland Boulder Opal from Yowah. Bargain
We love the stones we love the products and we love your family a lot I'm sorry I'm technologically challenged there are five stars all the way!
9k White Gold - Australian Boulder Opal Doublet Hook Earrings. Old Gold Price
I was very excited as always when my OW parcels from AUS arrive in GER in short time. The stone was as least as good as shown on the webpage. Extreme brilliance, great polish and well packed. As regular customer, I can only say the best about OW and their stones. Thank you!
Beautiful, received many compliments!
The opal necklace was just as shown. I couldn’t be more pleased.
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